Done! I finished it, and it has been washed and dried.
So when she was pregnant I wanted to make a quilt for her baby. I could not make up my mind what. I started one thing, but just couldn't come to some decisions about things. So it sat, and still sits down in the basement. Then the idea for making her a fuzzy duckling quilt hit and I knew that was what I wanted to do.
I thought I could just go and put my hands on my old pattern. So I didn't start right away. I forget what was going on, but I have to have peace of mind to start a project. Once I get going if it is not complicated, it can become an escape from troubled thoughts. Just not at the beginning.
Then, when I did decide to start, I could not find our old book. I could not find my original pattern. You would be amazed at the treasures I have to do with quilting and sewing. It is a chore to go through everything. So, couldn't think what I was going to do.
Then I remembered mom wanting my pattern. I have a box of her stuff upstairs. I went and got it to look through it, and I found the body to the duck. I had found my original butterfly down where I thought the whole pattern was. I could draw the legs, eyes, and beak again. My original one did not have a barn, but I added one to this. The original was just made of random fabrics I had here and had a flannel backing. And it was tied.
I would show you pictures of it, and maybe I will take a picture of what is left of it if I can remember tomorrow when I go to Sarah's. All that is left is rags.
This one is is probably more well made, has better fabrics, but so much smaller than the other one. It is machine quilted, and does not have the flannel back. However, it is made with love.