It was too late in the day to head out then....well not really. But had a lot to do and did need tires on the, even though they could have waited, we felt better getting them on. And had errands to do in Terre Haute. So got all that done Monday, oh, and I had to make that couple jars of juice before we left...didn't want to waste the tomatoes.

I love murals...and thought this was a wonderful one, but could not get a better shot. We actually tried to get in a better place, but it was just too busy, too many parked cars, too much traffic, AND they were working on the road going through town so that made it that much worse.

Right now I have tomatoes on to make juice with, and have clothes on the line. When I get the tomatoes done, I definitely need to mop....and just so many things calling to me. I want to visit blogs...
Oh, and that is another thing...the first evening we got to our hotel, I was able to blog a little bit. Even left a comment or two before we got out again. I thought that was great, that I had a great wi-fi connection. Instead, it became harder and harder to do stuff. I think I did a bit more that night, such as uploaded pics for two or three days on my other blog, but after that I could not upload any photos, nor leave any comment on anyone's blog.
So, I will try to catch up with everyone over the next day or two. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.