At my house, it is a signal to Mama Squirrel when I open my dining room curtains.

So many times, I open them and in just a few minutes here she comes. And she gets on the fence post and stares until she gets a reaction from me.

Sometimes, she meets me on the back porch, and others if I am not out there instantly she hikes back across the street to the trees. I don't know if she spots one of the cats in the window or what. But this morn was one of those times she ran back across the street; I was slow cause I was actually putting on my coat and getting the camera. But it was for the best cause I got some shots of her in action, running to see what I had.

She was just a bit shy of the camera, maybe cause it is all black. My other rebel has a lot of silver on it and she did not seem to mind it. Or maybe it is just the weather...who knows.

I just thought it would be fun to feature her again...I cannot think how many years she has been coming here...I think it is finishing up 3 years but it could be 4.

She is such a you can see she don't mind touching me...but still won't let me pet her. Though sometimes when she is standing in my hand like this, I will use one of my fingers to scratch her under her chin, or whatever it reaches. There are times when I think she would almost jump on to my arm to get to the food.
As an added note, as you can see we are getting another skim of snow this morning. Up to an inch is predicted.