I have been meaning to do this post for a while...sometimes I will go to do something and there will be a little message like this:
It is a sticky note on my laptop. Every time I see it I smile.
I didn't always save them. I don't know why I didn't think to start.
Then one day I was downstairs where my Juki 98Q resides. But I have not been sewing on it in a while. I happened to sit down and look at it and there was this:
Notice, she had written 'mom,' but it is crossed out with a pencil...I didn't know if you can see the pencil marks or not. they are sort of light. What pleasant surprise.
I forgot to take a picture of a Christmas card that she made me last year. I had left it hanging from then until the other day when she was here. But she replaced it with this:
And I have to tell this little story...it will melt your heart. We always lay and talk as she goes to sleep. And she said, 'I love you, Mamaw.' And I said, 'I love you, too. I love you more than you love me.' She said, "Mamaw, I loved you from the day I was born, and I will love you till the day I die.' I got a lump in my throat and couldn't do anything but hug her.