Roger and I have a little saying when we go out for a drive...we say that any day we see an eagle is a good day. In fact, the thrill of it lasts long afterwards. We bore everyone telling about it.
Anyway, all of the following are cropped portions of photos...and in the first three, the eagle(s) are quite quite far away. Anyway, I suggest you use the right click and open in a new tab, at least for 4th shot. It is really a great capture....

I headed out for a drive this afternoon, with the intentions of just passing through the strip pits, but only just passing through. I had almost passed through when up ahead I noticed a couple of I was sure was a Northern Harrier. But look what else was there. This was from quite a distance...I wasn't sure it was an eagle till I extended my lens.

He was really both the above photos...not just gliding but wings flapping like he had some place to go...

He went a ways and then turned back towards me and I thought oh, boy, he is coming back to me but only came so far and turned around and continued on. Look closely at the photo might even want to enlarge it to see better. What is funny, I did not see the eagle on top of the power line pole till I downloaded the surprise here. And thrilled!

This fellow above and below is the first one I actually saw and was in the vacinity of the two is a juvenile bald eagle, at least I am pretty sure. When it first took off, its tail feathers looked like they were trying to start to turn white... And the photo above is the one I want you to right click on and then click open in new tab or new window...

I was actually willing to trespass to get closer to it, but it took flight before I could even stepped off the road....
The above was not near all I saw but it was the most thrilling...I think....yeah, it was. But saw lots more which I will show another day. Just had to focus on the eagles today.