If you didn't see the barn I posted yesterday, scroll down and take a look at it. We were on the road heading for home when I took the first view...we did one turn to get the next view...and another turn to get the last view...but when we were getting ready to make the second turn, we were looking across the road to the view above....

We turned and drove a few yards, and you can see the back of the building in the first
photo there on the left side...but on past it is the America Clubhouse. I have no information about what it is...

That looks like a soccer ball to me....

On a few feet farther, looking back, the above is the view. There was no way to get a closer view of that dome. I thought there was, so didn't use my zoom lens...so now I regret that.

Across the road from the above buildings is the powerhouse pictured above... it is on the same side of the road as the barn in the previous post. If you were approaching on that road alone, the powerhouse would be seen first.

Across the road from the barn is the building above...looks like a dorm or a school or something.
We were talking to a man at the courthouse just a few miles down the road and he said this place used to belong to the nuns, but had been sold to private owners.
I have tried to find information about it, without too much success. I have found a Convent mentioned that was in Noble county, but not finding any photos to compare. I have also found a Catholic
sanatorium mentioned.... I will keep on looking in my spare time and I bet I eventually hit on the history of it. I have figured out that it this place is at Rome City...that is here in Indiana.
We are half way planning on going back up north in the fall sometime...just to poke around. There is just so much interesting stuff right under our nose if we just look.