Friday, September 24, 2010

The redneck gourmet & Decorating Otti!

On our way home from Brunswick, Georgia, we took a couple little scenic routes off the led us through Newman, Georgia. It was late, had been rainy so somewhat overcast so my photos are not the greatest, but I am going to show two or three of them over the next few days. This was one mural/name that really caught our eye.

I would have loved to have had time to stop there and stroll through the town...I saw so much stuff I would have loved to photograph.
I am slowly recovering from 1650 miles four days...the cats are glad we are home. Tomorrow the high is supposed to be 71º, followed by several more days of cool weather. We can live with that.
Lorelei and Otto are sure turning into a pair. Sarah said yesterday evening Lorelei slid off the couch head first onto him, got up them, and sat on him and started bouncing on him, all the while he is trying to sleep through it. After that she got off him and laid down beside him and started pinching his skin and examining it real closely.

I don't remember if it was yesterday or another day, but Sarah was in one room and heard a commotion in another room. First their cat went running down the haul, next came Otto, and he was followed by Lorelei just giggling. And Sarah never did know what they had done.

I leave you with a little clip titled; be sure and have your sound on!
Decorating Otti