If Blogger ever becomes available I will do this post...it is not really important in the overall scheme of things. It is frustrating nevertheless. I have been getting the Blogger Unavailable message since last night. I didn't think I could even post comments but they will go through so I might get some visiting done today.
The photo that will be included with this was taken while coming home from a little fishing expedition. We decided to check out creeks...I was thinking with all the rain that they would all be to high to wade and fish, and in thinking that I wore one of my better pair of jeans. Anyway, yesterday, the photo above shows the kind of sky we had..which is the kind that makes my heart sing out with joy. But on with the rest of the day.
We went by Mansfield where Big Raccoon Creek is...it was up a tiny bit, but still plenty fishable. But there were a couple guys already there. So we headed on to the Big Walnut Creek. It was just right for fishing...I was so aggravated at myself for not being prepared to wade. I fished from the bank, and caught a couple...Roger caught 3 or 4. One of his small-mouthed bass was keeper size. Small-mouthed bass are so much fun to catch because they sometimes jump out of the water when fighting to get free. It is so much fun...kind of makes your heart pump a little faster...and hope that someone else is watching.
Right now I have a couple loads of clothes on the line, and thinking I should do at least one more and have it ready to go when some of these get dry enough. The humidity is down this morn, and there is a gentle breeze so it shouldn't take long for some to dry. I have to take advantage of today because rain is in our forecast for the rest of the week. And I have become addicted to hanging my clothes out--laundry is one chore I have always enjoyed. Even when I was still a teen I enjoyed hanging laundry on the line.
I wrote the above this morn about 9:45 and have tried off and on all day long to post with no luck till now. I have my clothes in off the lines and almost all put away. I always remember Grammy telling about when she was young...Grammy being my husband's grandmother...anyway, she left home while still a teen. She had an apartment in the city, not sure what job she had. But from what she said, it was a busy, bustling place. She would hand wash some of her clothes and hang them on the line before she left for work. One time she came home from work, and they had been stolen.
Ever since she told me that story, any time I leave clothes hanging on the line and actually go shopping or something....when I come home I look to see if my clothes are still there. One time, when my oldest was just a toddler, I had hung towels on the line, put her in the stroller and we walked downtown.
When we returned home, I glanced up to see if my towels were still, there and glanced back down at my daughter...she had stood up and it startled me so that I stopped. The sudden stop caused her to fall our of the stroller, but she only received a bump.