With that in mind I went back through some of my photos just to see if memories of green in July were a reality.
It did not reach 100º yesterday...the highest I seen was 98º...so that is an improvement.
I cannot believe how slow I am in making Lorelei's dress. I didn't work on it day before yesterday but worked 3 or 4 or 5 hours on it yesterday evening/night. It was not dark when I started and it was close to 11:00 when I cam up from the basement. I am trying to be really careful. It is one that uses bias tape to finish the neck and armholes. I am not sure I like using it. I guess I will wait till after it is washed to see how it feels before I make final judgement.
On the other hand, I did drag out my serger to finish the edges. I really don't have far to go...I need to turn the bias tape to the inside and sew it down then hem and it is finished. It really is cute...at least in my opinion. I think though it will be next year before it really fits her. But she is growing so much that I could be wrong.