I guess I also find myself drawn a lot more to the single trees left standing here and there...specially when they are in the middle of a big plowed field.
Speaking of plowing, I am so ready to plant a few tomato plants and our usual bell peppers. But there seems to be a hitch this year....I bet I drove over a hundred miles yesterday, went to three green houses and one home center looking for the supersonic tomato plants and did not find a one at any of them. Today, I checked our local Walmart and they had even less.
I love the flavor of the supersonics when grown in our garden; for some reason, a lot of the others don't have a lot of flavor. But this year we really need to perform some tests. We need to pick several varieties and keep track of where they are planted, and see which ones have the better flavor.
Right now though, I need to tidy up the house....I have a quilt that I made that hangs in the dining room. One of the cats has been jumping up and pulling it down, and then they all sleep on it. I need to devise a better way of hanging it. Yet right now, one is snuggled in it and I haven't the heart to make him move. I will wait till he goes back outside before I do anything with it. It is nothing fancy...I wouldn't let him do that to a 'good' quilt, but this is just one I experimented on. You can see it here...
So I best get this published and see what I can get done.