As we were leaving the area, I had to get out and open the gate....in the process I lost my lens cap. I almost always stick it in one spot, except sometimes if I get excited I will stick it in my pocket, or just where I can reach.
I got home and went to get the cap out of my bag and it was no where to be found...we checked the car...I checked my pockets. The next morn I ask Roger if he wanted to run back out there till I could look for it. On the way in, there were the little coons again! This time I was out with camera in hand...but it was under the trees, dark and not much available light.
They scurried up a tree there...and would go on the side away from me. Roger got out to go on one side, hoping to scare them towards me. Well, this little fellow was up about 10 0r 12 ft off the ground going out on a limb and he fell and landed just within feet of me. He was a bit stunned, and I did get these photos. But he survived and walked away.
If you enlarge the picture and look at the coon's pupils...one looks slightly larger than the other. I have not had a chance to be out there since then, but hoping to make it out there in the next few days.
Edited to add: George ask me if I found my lens cap...yes, I found it right where I thought I lost it.