Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Another finished and mailed....

This is the last knife Roger has been finished quite a while...I just had not felt like taking pictures of it. It is a nice size...fits my hand well.
It is going to our daughter on the west coast.....
I sent it out today....
I set and watched the temperatures steadily climb this evening...the last I noticed it was 99º...I went down in the basement after that and played with fabric. I made a few more crumb blocks....that is where you use up little bits of fabric left over from other projects. Some people seem to go a mile a minute while making them but mine are in such shape that it is slow going for me.

I have also been cutting 2 1/2 inch blocks from pieces that are big enough for that....I am getting quite a few of those but it will take a LOT to make anything at all. But it is still doing something creative. I have so many things in mind to do...but some of it requires actual thinking. I have yet to make the backing for Oldest Daughter's quilt top...I almost started it tonight but wanted to wait till I can stick with it long enough to make it. It sounds simple, but I do have to make sure I make it big enough.

It is so hot that Bubbie has been spending his nights inside, as well as most of the day. (His normal thing to do is stay out all night and come in and sleep all day.) He had went out this morn for a bit, and when I opened the door, he ran in and just flopped down on the tile floor in the kitchen and has not been back out till just now. And I bet he does not stay out long.