Before getting into anything else, thought you might enjoy a few pics of Lorelei...taken last weekend.

She has a little CD player that has its own CDs...she would put one in and got to one certain song and dance and dance. She always has her eyes closed or at least half closed.

She wore us out just watching, doing it over and over.

She even changed outfits for us.

Needless to say we had a ball....I cannot even think of all the cute stuff she has done recently....will try to sit down and write about that another time.
I made up my mind what computer to get last Friday...I checked to see if it was available in Terre Haute. It was. I did not want to run get it before we left to go see Lorelei....I knew I would want to fool with it too much. So, we went over there and had a nice visit. We came home late Sunday afternoon....just came straight home instead of going to Best is on the south end of Terre Haute and we just did not feel like going that far.
That evening I was glancing at the computer one last time....knowing we had to go to the south end of Terre Haute the next day and I would just pick it up then....I had not bothered to buy it on line...thinking I would get there and look around a bit...see it in person before I bought it. Well, I just happened to check availability...guess what? Right--it was no longer in the store here....but it was available in Indy where we had just been.
So, I got busy and ordered said it would be here by the 29th and I was thinking well, shoot....but then I remembered the desktop. I thought they had give me a date out way ahead like that and that it came sooner. Sure enough, this one came Tuesday I think it was. I have transferred most of my stuff...still have the music to go but sort of dread that part...not sure why.
I had trouble getting Netflix to work, but finally got it operating. Then last night I started to blog, and of course had trouble using IE, but installed Firefox and all is well with it. I should have just installed it to begin with I guess.
We had almost 60º weather yesterday, but cold again today with a chance of snow flurries. Have heard howling winds this morn...I think it is only about the second time I have heard them this winter. So very strange. I don't think I have ever seen a winter this warm...will have to try to look into that.
Anyway, going to slowly try to get back to blogging...Lo and her mommy are coming this weekend if Lorelei is well enough. She started running a fever again a couple nights ago...and went to the doctor but he could not see anything wrong. Just figured it was a virus...but to bring her back if she don't get rid of it in two or three days.