There were 3 or 4 of these short-eared owls flying around...the other two were pretty far away. I had seen them earlier...don't know where they were by the time I eased on down the road and came to this one. You can see more pictures of them I have taken at the strip pits here and here. Until I started seeing these short-eared owls out there, I can only remember seeing an owl two or three times in my life.
Spring seems to really have sprung around here...it has been so warm around here. I have been in short sleeves all day long. Still been busy with 'other stuff' and a phone call or two I had to make. Got some info I needed.
And I just opened another jar of home-canned tomato juice. There is just nothing like it. I really hope my tomatoes do good this year till I can can some more. I am thinking about putting out a few more plants on the south side of our house till I will for sure have enough. I guess I will wait till planting time comes before I make a final decision about that.
I know I want more Brandywines...my best friend/sister-in-law suggested them to me 4 or 5 years ago...I think one year I could not find any, the first year I raised them, I loved them...they have that good old tomato flavor and texture....then I raised them and either weather or heat or something, none of my tomatoes tasted so good that year, then I planted some again last year and oh, they are just heavenly. So it is worth the risk to plant them.
I also picked up 4 more Asiatic Lily bulbs and need to get those planted. I could go wild with flowers....and I am hoping I have a bunch of volunteer sunflowers sprout up around the bird feeder again this year. I will be able to take better care of them.
Well, I am just sitting here dreaming of spring...so I will leave you with another favorite song I happened across a few years ago..its called 'You Plant Your Fields.'