These just came from Sarah. She was outside and Lorelei said, 'Mommy, it's picture time." She turned around and the top scene was the first shot followed by the other. That Otto is some special dog...he could not be any better to her. My heart just melts everytime I see his patience with her. His worst thing is he gets so excited if someone new comes, and if it is someone that likes dogs, he seems to sense it and gets that much more excited.
We had to get to Terre Haute this morn...I don't remember if I have told but Roger has been seeing a dermatologist about the breaking out. So far, have had some biopsies done, and did another today of an area that was NOT from the original breaking out but was infected and his knee still looks strange.
The dermatologist is going to be done for a week or two, and when she gets back she is going to run some more tests. She really wants to get to the root of the problem. I feel like he is in good hands. The first biopsies did not show anything...the labs just said it was dermatitis.
Another beautiful day here in the Wabash Valley....actually on the hot side. Roger mowed the yard yesterday...it really needed it. I think this is the earliest we have ever had to mow the yard. Redbuds are now in bloom...we saw may apples up today and Roger said the trillium is up here in our yard. I had not thought to look for it...won't be long till the bluebells bloom if that is so.