We have been working on the grandbaby-to-be's room. Roger and Jeremy put a new window in there...and we had to do the trim inside. And Roger about had to custom design it. It turned out real good...it would be so much simpler if Roger's table saw was easily moved. But it is a very heavy duty one and it is all he and I can do to move it a few inches at a time...and that by scooting it across the floor, not lifting it.
And he has been making the other trim...it isn't really that hard of work, but time consuming. And it would be so much easier if we could have taken his table saw. We have had to put the dado head on the saw and use it to custom fit things. I say we when I should be saying Roger....I just watch. Anyway, would be so much easier if we could take it with us, cause for two or three nights in a row, we have had to bring something back home with us for him to use the dado on.
And then there is the painting...the trim is to be painted so we have been doing that as we go. Again not hard...but paint and let it dry, then give a second coat.
Hopefully, by this time tomorrow, it will be done. Except for the new carpet which will be done Monday.