I saw these along the sidewalk down in Nashville, and am thinking I will have him make me one or two, or else teach me how to make them. But I think it would be safer if he made them. Now he would make them for me if they weren't for suet, but he will like making them since they are for something other than just to look at.
Does anyone make their own suet? I know my mom did every now and then. I don't remember how she did it...for one thing it was maybe once a year. I don't think she had the beef fat available to do it more often. Being that I couldn't remember how she made it, I googled suet and find the info...if you are interested, here and here are a couple of places that have info on making suet. I am really thinking I might try making some. I hate throwing away the fat that comes on some of the beef I buy....so making suet would put it to good use.