Lindy over at Mike and D's Life in the Hoosier State and Beyond tagged me to participate in this photo tag thing...she tagged me at my Time Stand Still blog, but I am doing it here. I try to keep my posts short and let the photo speak for itself.
Anyway, the rules are this:
- Open your first photo folder and select the 10th photo.
- Publish it and tell the details or story of the photo.
- Link back to the person who tagged you.
- Tag 5 friends and inform them.

This is a coffee table my husband made our older daughter when she first moved out...she bought the slate tile and decided on how she wanted it laid out. My husband's friend gave him the oak wood....and this is the result. He also made her a simple little end table.
I am supposed to tag people to play along, but I know a lot of my blog buddies have done this, so am just going to invite anyone that wants to join the fun.