One brother and his wife came up from Tennessee, and the rest of us, minus one met there before noon. I got up and made enchiladas this morn, while Roger loaded the Rav with the other goodies, and we were out the door by 8:30....but it was still close to noon before we got down there. We did get behind a tractor for a while in the rolling hills down that way. After a bit we were able to pass and continue on our way.
Sarah and Lorelei were able to come....and some other nieces and nephews....one niece I had not seen in years and years. We all sat and talked and laughed...and talked some more...and discussed books and returned books, and laughed about things that had happened.
Lorelei was a little shy at first...she would not even come with me after she seen all the others...she eventually got over it. She wanted Sarah to come to Mamaw's house, but Sarah did not bring clothes for her....but I keep hearing 'want to go to Mamaw's house' over and over in my mind.
How wonderful to be loved by her...
And how wonderful to have family. To feel that secure love, of knowing that you are accepted just as you are, with all your faults and funny ways. Wonderful to have someone that knows your history...that shares the same genes as you.