We have had really nice weather this week....two or three of the days I actually needed to leave Lorelei in her sleepers because it never got much over 70°F, if any at all. I didn't have her today since her mom and dad got the day off.
I have told you how she grins and laughs at our old dog, Shelby. Well, yesterday, she noticed her panting and started laughing about that. I was in my chair and Shelby was out to the left of me. I don't know what possessed me, but I put the mirror over on my right till she could see herself. First she would look at Shelby and either grin or laugh...then she would twist way around and look at herself in the mirror and grin real big. She did that over and over.
I have also told you how Shelby is by her and how she has relaxed a lot about it...well, one day, I had the door to her room pushed till it was almost closed when she was taking her nap. Shelby started going to it wanting in, and looking back at us. We looked at each other and thought 'she's awake' and went in there and sure enough she was in there just looking around and stretching, etc. Not crying or anything. Shelby would sure have made a good mommy...but if we had let her have puppies it would probably have broken her heart to give them up.
For supper tonight we had grilled chicken breasts. And I thought I would tell you what makes them so delicious....it is McCormick Broiled Steak Seasoning. Yes, I mean steak....I think they have come out with something for grilled chicken but they are just so good with this stuff.
All you do is take skinless, boneless chicken breasts and sprinkle them liberally with the Broiled Steak Seasoning and cook on the grill. We also will brush them with butter midway through. I have a tendency to cook them overdone, but Roger is real good at cooking them till they are done completely but still juicy. I usually butterfly the breast till it won't be so thick through.
They are delicious in a salad, or for a sandwich. Or I prefer them just plain.