It has been such beautiful weather the past couple of days, we decided to get up and go for a little drive this morn. Actually had a longer drive in mind, but did not make it as far as I planned. But we did make it down to the Goose Pond area south of Linton, Indiana.

First, we saw Great Egrets....this one circled over us several times. He was not the only one there, but he was the only one close enough to get a shot.
After it flew away, I walked to the water's edge and there sat this big fellow. I tried to get closer but he hopped out into deeper water.

Now take a look below...

I am almost 100% sure these are Black-necked stilts. When I looked
here at All About Birds, we are not even in their migration range. I couldn't remember what their name was but thought I had seen them somewhere else in blogland...actually I knew just where I had seen them.
If you want to see some really GOOD photos, check
here at Montanagirl's post. Her photos are always super.

We also saw lots of blue herons, but none close enough to photograph....but did not see much else. I was in hopes of seeing an eagle, but nothing was in the air except for the herons and egrets moving from one area to another, and some red-winged blackbirds.
We both threw our lines in the water here, and at another strip pit or two we passed on the way home, but did neither of us got a single hit. I take that back, I did have a little bluegill--and I do mean little. I could see it trying to get my lure and it wasn't a whole lot bigger than the it doesn't really count. At one of the places, I did see a bass that was at least 18 inches long, but he was not interested in any lure I threw out.