Sorry to be posting two quilts in a row...but I just had to show that I finally finished this. I finished doing the binding yesterday evening, but did not take pictures till today. I wanted to take them outside till the quilting would show up better. It has been one of the most fun quilts to quilt because it is for us...I did not agonize over how to do anything...I just did it.

I like my backs to have a little something extra on them sometimes....and sometimes it serves a purpose other than just to add interest. In this case, I had all those blocks left over, I thought why not add interest as well as save cutting more material. Oh, yeah, see the white to the left of the blocks-- I caught an extra block of a different size in the quilting and did not notice till way late. Since this quilt is going on our bed, to use every day, I was not going to rip out those stitches to remove it. I just trimmed it real close to the stitching. After one or two washings, it will probably be almost gone.

I thought I would zoom in just a little to show the quilting a bit more...it is just free-motion quilted. No pattern is drawn on or anything. I like it because it adds texture to the quilt. This is the quilt I used almost 1,000 yards of thread in the quilting...