I have enough fabric in my basement to start a small quilt shop, but did not have anything I wanted to use for the backing of the quilt. So there was a pause to search for fabric for it. I looked at some of my favorite quilt shops on line with no luck. Ended up stopping at Joann Fabrics on the way home from a doctors appointment and found something I liked.
Actually, I chose three fabrics and got the backing sewn together this past weekend, got the batting cut down to size, got everything stretched and it all pin-basted together. Now to decide how to quilt it. I am going to free-motion machine quilt it. At least that is the plans so far. When you free-motion quilt, the feed-dogs are lowered, the pressure on the pressure foot lowered to zero as well as the stitch length is set to zero.
The ball is in your court then, or the quilting in this case. You can stitch forwards, backwards, sideways, any direction you want...everything is controlled by you, the quilter. I am not horrible at it, but I do have a lot room for improvement. It takes lots and lots of practice to get your stitches somewhat even.
I have been thinking and thinking on what design to attempt. The few times I have machine quilted, I have winged it....you can click here to see other quilts I have posted that are machine quilted. Be sure to enlarge the pictures to see the actual quilting. Though maybe I shouldn't suggest it. My favorite I have done so far is the one posted on December 10, 2007.
I would really like to plan this quilting, and have looked and looked at other's photos of quilts trying to get inspiration and nothing really strikes my fancy. So, I may have to just wing-it again and hope for the best.