Oldest daughter is back to her job now...let me tell you Lorelei enjoyed her. She could not get far from Lorelei's sight...and Lorelei was just totally happy having the three of us together. I am trying to think of some of the funny stuff she did while her aunt was here, but cannot think.
It was good to see oldest daughter...we even went to a quilt shop or two to find fabric for the backing of her quilt. It is odd...when she first leaves, it don't hit me till a bit later just how far away she is. I want her back cause we miss her, but yet she really enjoys where she is, so I don't want her back...does that make sense? I think for any parent, all they want is for their kids to be happy...
I have got to get headed to physical therapy here in a few minutes. That is going okay...only one of the exercises so far is really hard to do. It really hurts to do it. The others I have to really concentrate to do them right. I don't know if it is because I have been sitting so tensely for so long, or why. I do know now that this started sometime before February 3. I happened across pictures of all the ice we had then, and this was already started when we had it. If I had only gone to the doctor then, this would be a thing of the past.