The other day Roger and I went fishing for just a little while out at one of the Izaak Walton strip pits. I took fishing rods plus a book to read. Roger took fishing rods and fly rod and his belly boat....he has had the belly boat for over a year and not had a chance to try it out. So, while he took it out, I would fish a little while and read a little while. After he got back, I was sitting back in my chair and looked up at the tree.
I was farther back than from where this picture was taken, but I was thinking what looks funny about that tree? So got up and walked up closer and seen what you see below. I assume someone had lost them, and whoever came along next found them and put them on the tree in hopes that they would be found later.

Or who knows? Maybe someone put them up there and just forgot to get them. Whatever the reason...we both thought of Lorelei. She likes trying on sunglasses when we are out...and she loves to put on my glasses. She thinks that is just the most fun.