I haven't did a whole lot today, but did get the chairs on my front porch scrubbed, and washed the side of the house that is under the awning. You just would not believe how dirty it was. BUT, I did not scrub the porch itself. Maybe I will do that tomorrow.
This got me to thinking....does anyone do spring house cleaning like they used to do? I know one woman that still does...she literally goes over each room in her house with a fine tooth comb. Other than this lady, I don't know of anyone that really does a thorough job. I know I sure don't, even if it does need it.
We used to always go through the house each spring. I don't know that we did it all my life every spring, but I do remember taking the mattress and box springs down and I think we took them out to have them in the sun while we cleaned the rest of the room. And the old box springs used to not be covered...so they would need to be dusted.
I remember washing walls...I think mainly in the kitchen....I don't know how often we painted. For sure not every year...probably not even every other year.
I think now my spring cleaning is when I scrub the lawn/porch chairs...and I do usually wash windows and curtains. Then the rest is hit or miss...