This is the Bubbie...this was taken two or three weeks ago. It is hard to take a picture of any of my babies. They never stay still long enough for a good photo, unless they are sleeping. I just wondered if you could see the gleam of mischief in his eyes, and look at his smile....can you see how the corners of his mouth turn up. We call that his smiley face.
He likes to spend time outside, and when we come home, he comes out to the garage to meet us. He tries to hide at the corner and jump out to grab us, but he just cannot hold still long he comes out and comes to meet us then races to the house ahead of us.
Or if I am out, he likes for me to chase him...then he will turn around and chase me and jump up and pretend to grab me. Like a big cat hunting...
We are still working on getting stuff transferred to the basement. I got my shelves moved down today...and a filing cabinet. I got some of the stuff put back on the shelves, but not near all.
And during it all, the cats were up and down with me/us. If they only had thumbs, they could help carry stuff...