I hit some of those magical keys that published this against my will. Every so often I manage to find the correct combination to do something, having no idea what I actually did.
Anyway, I have some decisions to make, and while they are not all that important in the overall scheme of things that really do matter, I still have troubles making them.
First, because of other happenings we actually got to go for a drive today... and I did get some photos I really, really liked and think you will enjoy as well. So choosing one to post, or one series is going to be hard.
Then I have been tagged for the 6 Random things about myself by Deborah over at The Cloud Messenger. I want to do it but not sure it will get done tonight. But I am thinking on it. It is one of those that I have seen before and thought would be fun, but was never officially tagged so never done it.
I have finally chosen pictures...I really thought the old truck I might should save for Sepia Scenes, but it just didn't work out as well when I tried it as some of the others so I am going ahead and posting it.
As you can see, we got a little more snow today. It was quite fun to be out in it, on the back roads of Parke County. We have driven all over that country up that way and today we were still on roads we had never been on before.