We went for a drive yesterday--I wanted to go because I knew today was supposed to be raining. And it has rained most of the day--a light rain. No big downpours at any time. And the sky...it is overcast but not that real dark, dreary look that we have most of the time when it is raining. But I am still glad we took off for the drive yesterday. We went north, first to see
Coffing Brothers Orchard, but we had missed the blooming. Again. I have tried to several years to make it up there when the majority of the trees are in bloom, but have yet to be successful.

Anyway, we did manage to come across two or three barns I have never seen before, as well as this house. I really need to get a GPS, till maybe I can figure out where things are. I would love to know how far this place is from a town or grocery store. My husband doesn't think anyone lives here; me I am not so sure.
It really is sort of run down, but I sort of had the feeling someone might be trying to start to work on it in their spare time. It also had a satellite dish...which I will probably show in a later post. But for right now I thought I would show you this house. Isn't that porch wonderful? I would have loved one when I was a child. I can just imagine Lorelei on it.

This farm seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere...and I wondered about it. I wondered how far they had to go to get the things to build it with. Was it built at a time when they used a horse and wagon to go get supplies? I kind of wondered if they had got the brick for building from the kilns shown
here....they are up north of here also.
Look how square everything still is...someone built it that knew what they were doing. Someone that can build something this beautiful is indeed an artist in my book. A master craftsman.

And this road right beside the house led to their barn which I will also show in the next few days. It was built square and true, too. I really was impressed with the place...or maybe I should say with the workmanship of the place, and hope you are, too.