And when I still had three brothers at home, mom always made two pans of cornbread every day of the week. And a bigger pan than the one pictured above. Probably ten inch pans...and it was eaten for the most part. If there was any left, it went to the dogs or the pigs. But my brothers and my mom always loved to crumble cornbread in a glass and pour milk over it and eat it that way...that was one thing I didn't care for. And I don't even know if I tried it, I think it was partly that it wasn't visually appealing for me.
When I first came to Indiana I finally got till I could eat the sweet kind but it was never satisfying. Then my husband and I moved to Tennessee for a year and a half back when we were young, in 1978. Since then, I seriously doubt if I have eaten even one piece of the sweetened cornbread. I just don't like it. And for sure not with the foods I want cornbread with.
Now it took my husband a while to actually like my kind of cornbread, but he does like it. And both my girls like both kinds, and my youngest requested a cast iron pan for Christmas and has actually made some cornbread of her own. She is like me and likes it just for a snack every now and then. I have two favorite meals that require cornbread....I love wilted lettuce and onions and cornbread....my mouth just waters thinking about that.
And the other is something that no one else here eats, and that is spinach (or mustard or poke salad) and bacon and cornbread. I don't fix it very often, but every now and then I will have that for breakfast if it is just me that will be eating. Or supper or a midnight snack. No matter when I have it, it is delicious and I eat way too much of it.