Spring is here fore real...we had our breakfast on the front porch this morn. I love sitting outside and having a cup of coffee or a coke, but having breakfast out there is even better. Or brunch might be a better word. We had a BLT minus the L this morn....
Often when I make BLTs it brings to mind a neighbor and his son. The son was grown...in his 20's at least but a little bit mentally challenged. The dad had a garage in back where he worked on vehicles...Eric helped. Well, the dad was going to be gone and ask Roger to keep an eye on things and ask if we would fix lunch for Eric.
I decided to fix BLTs and when we fix BLTs we are not skimpy with the bacon. I really piled it on...he ate the first one...he ate another just as loaded, and I think another...and looked to me for more. By then I was out of bacon and he had to make do with what he had had. He was content, but had just really liked them. It made me wonder if he had ever had them before.