And can you guess what we did this evening?
As always, my photos enlarge.

The first thing, when I looked out and saw their car, I went out the back door to meet them and here she came being a dragon. Then Sarah told us she had asked her before they left if she wanted to go see Mamaw and Papaw and she just said 'No' in this real calm voice....and in a minute or two she again ask her if she wanted to come see us...that time she wanted to come see Mamaw and Papaw's toys! and come see Mamaw's chair and Papaw's chair!
I cannot remember all she has said and done....we came to this stop sign on the way home. Her Papaw stopped at it of course...and she says "GO! Go, Papaw!" he really stepped on the gas and she said, "Papaw, you're like my daddy!"
I try to keep Klondike bars here when she is going to be coming, and always when we are trying to get her settled for the night, I go get a Klondike bar and we share it. I unwrap it and put it in a bowl and walk in. She was sitting back in this little rocker thing. I sat down and did not say anything...she was watching TV...all she had to do was turn her head to see me with the bowl.
I rattled the spoon two or three times and she did not turn around....I was debating just getting up and walking across the room and Papaw walked in and bent down and said something to her. She turned to say something back to him and saw me with the bowl. I don't think I have ever seen her move as quick to get up out of the rocker! Her mom and I cracked up...