Maybe one of these days I will get a good capture of the Northern Harrier...I am happy that this one seems to be staying out at the strip pits. I passed through them on the way to and from Paris yesterday....I got the capture above on the return.

And these cows belong to a farm about a mile on west of the strip pits...I stopped to take a picture of another calf, but before I could get out of the car it had laid its head down and would not look my way for love nor money. I thought his one had a cute little face, too.
This farm did have 3 horses, for the longest time. But I have not seen any of them in a long time so don't know what happened to them. They were well loved...always raised up and looked if we passed or paused...even if they were on the far side of the pasture. You just knew they were thinking someone had come to see them...but in all the time I have been there I have never seen anyone out there.