I just wondered, does anyone else besides me still patch jeans? My husband likes for me to patch his, and I patch mine when they need it. When I was a teen-ager I could not wait till I had to patch them....I had one pair that everyone envied. I wish I had kept them just to show my girls....oh, well. I have gotten till I sort of dread it when I have a pair to patch but it really isn't that bad of a job. It didn't take me too long to do the pair above.

I have all the strips cut for the baby quilts...I think I have enough for both quilts, but if not, it won't take too long to cut a couple more of each fabric. I finished the cutting Sunday I think...I would have finished a lot quicker if I had used common sense. I have no idea why I did this, but I cut all the reds and part of the greens, a single strip at a time! I have no idea what possessed me to cut that way. I cut the rest stacking my fabrics as usual--4-6 fabrics--then cutting the strips. I really prefer cutting about 4 strips at a time...but did do 6 a time or two. I am really happy with the varieties of fabric I have except for the reds...I sure could have used more variety in them--they all read about the exact same tone of color. And not much movement...but didn't want to use a couple fabrics I have and Joanns didn't have anything--or at least anything that wasn't see-thru thin almost.
It is another cold day here--down around 19 above. Not as bad as it could be, but colder than it was this morning. It was 32 when I got up and the temperatures have fell a little bit all day long. We got a new skim of snow on the ground, but not the 1-2 inches predicted. I don't know whether I am happy with that or not. I would have liked to had measurable snow to go take pictures of. I love it when the snow is heavy and weighs down the branches of pine trees....or it stacks up on top of everything.
Now, I need to clean up my kitchen, cut up chicken for stir fry and try to get a couple things done.