So, continuing on, I have been busy this entire day, did not sew a stitch, and yet doesn't seem to be anything to show for it. I was in my cabinets trying to clean out old, useless things. And I had help...lots of help. From the three young 'uns. The above photo actually has all 4 kitties in it, but my boy is behind the princess and you can hardly see him. It was the three of them that helped...investigated everything I was doing and tried to help. Into every cabinet I had open...
And The Princess has been to almost the very top of the Christmas tree two or three times today...she is definitely feeling like herself. My tree is looking on the run down side...I am sure from having to drag them out of it so many times. And I finally broke down and put the presents under it, not bows or ribbons of course. It is now for sure their favorite place to run and hide and much more than when it was bare.
Anyway, I did have one big, heavy garbage bag when I got done...then my younger daughter stopped by on her way home from work and had tacos with us. After she left we went to Terre Haute to see our friend's daughter play basketball...her team won and she made several points...
Tomorrow I need to go finish shopping for my husband. I will probably try to find him something he would like for hunting or fishing...just not sure what that is going to be.