It has been a beautiful day here...low humidity and mid 80's for temps. We are going to have one more day of it and then back to the 90's.
I hung out two loads of clothes, I put the second load on before I brought the first one up to hang out. By the time I hung the second one out, the t-shirts in the first load were almost bone dry...except for where the clothespin held them on the line and they are the sleeveless that has that ribbing around the armholes...they were not quite dry.
I am enjoying sitting outside and reading....just so lovely these past few days. I hope after this next days of 90 degrees that they are the last of the year. I am really, really looking forward to fall and hope it is a long one. But if we don't get some rain, I am afraid it will be here and gone before we really get to enjoy it.