...........As for the rain, it is over and we actually had sunshine this evening. But oh, it was so hot and humid when we took that walk. Later we ran to the store and saw where Feather Creek had been up out of the banks south of us about 7 or 8 blocks. I think some people had to be evacuated. It makes me so thankful to be where we are--we didn't even have trouble with water in the basement. Even if it don't rain very much, there is a spot or two just a little comes in. But as for it being a worry, it is not enough to worry about with the dehumidifier down there. And the rest of it is totally dry.
..........Terre Haute had some really major messes. They were calling for anyone with a boat to come help....and calling for neighbors in different areas to come fill sandbags. Some of the major interstates around Indiana were closed due to flooding....and even a state road that is the one my husband always took to work was flooded in one place. Something I have never seen or heard of in the 28 years I have lived here.
Edited to add: I don't know how many times I have changed the appearance of this blog today. Bare with me while I get it till I can live with it. I am also having trouble with spacing between paragraphs....I usually just skip a line but tried that numerous times and would publish it, view the blog and not space between. So I tried indenting the paragraph, only to have the indentation disappear. I finally came up with the periods at the beginning of a new paragraph, but I sure hope I don't have to continue with that.