Tomorrow our youngest daughter turns 27...I cannot believe she is that old. She still looks like a kid. I think she is one of those women that just won't age. If she does it will be much more gracefully than I. To see her with Lorelei, she looks like a kid with a kid...and I honestly bet that is what lot of people think.
We had fun yesterday...Lorelei was so entertaining. She slept while we ate, but also was laughing in her sleep, which in turn had us cracking up. She does have the sweetest little toothless smile! It is enough to melt the heart.
I am still in the creative mood...working with my Electric Quilt program to design another little quilt for Lorelei...I want it bigger than the other one but still not going for twin size yet. At least I don't think I will. What I want to do I have done before...it is a simple pattern....and old, old pattern in fact. But it is a matter of color placement. I have to have a 'map' to follow, and sometimes I still have to rip out seams.
I have been interrupted with a phone call...I don't recall what else I was going to tell, if anything. So will close and get busy here. My brother is also coming down tomorrow...they want to see Lorelei and I thought it would be a good time.