
Now, Keesha, when we were potty training her, had this thing of when we would take her out to do her business, she would not want to come in when she was done. Or probably more to the point, she considered it a prime time to play...we would start to pick her and she would run...run behind a tree, to the other side of the car, to the other side of a flowerbed...just anything to go between us. It was just like a cartoon....you go one way and she would keep herself just opposite of you. Then, it would be us that ended up mad and aggravated...just imagine going through that when trying to leave for school, or work...or just wanting to go to bed.
One time when both she and Sarah were young, she led Sarah all around the neighbors house...we still laugh about that. The neighbors were sitting outside, and here Sarah and Keesha go by on the side walk, then in just a second here they come around their house....thank goodness for good neighbors.
We got Keesha from a humane shelter...she was so small she could easily sleep on a pillow. Sarah started teaching her to jump from the couch into her lap. As she got older, Sarah would sit out in the yard about 6 or 8 feet from the edge of the porch, usually she would get an old pillow and put it in her lap...and she would call Keesha and she would make a big leap into her lap.

I was actually home for most of the day today, for the first time in ages. I am a home body, but been having things to do lately and just not taking the time to blog...and I am not sure when I will get back on track...