I was home to them...I kept them warm in the winter and sheltered them from the storms of summer. I was the place they took refuge in when life got hard. I saw them through the Great Depression, I was here when the son came home from WWII. I saw one daughter sneak her first kiss in the swing on my front porch. Another left here to be the first to go to college.

What led from then to now, happened so gradually I was hardly aware of it happening…the children grew up and married and had homes of their own…after several years the dad died, and not too long after that the mom passed….you can sort of imagine the rest. I was going through my own grieving and was hardly aware of time passing.
Now I am in this state and an eyesore to some, while a few others look at me and wonder what tales I could tell if I could talk.
Some of you have read this--I hope you don't mind the repeat. I am bringing it back to share with Linda's Wednesday Wit and Wisdom at Senior Adventures. At least if I can remember.
Some of you have read this--I hope you don't mind the repeat. I am bringing it back to share with Linda's Wednesday Wit and Wisdom at Senior Adventures. At least if I can remember.