Roger was down messing with something in the basement...he has some of his hobby stuff set up down there. And he ran across this home made birthday card from Sarah.

The minute I seen it, I wanted to share it with you. It makes me laugh just looking at it. If you enlarge the photos, in the middle of the word 'tell' she punched a bunch of holes with a pin or needle or something. I have no idea what age she is possible that she was in high school, but I think she was younger. Yet it is apparent she was giving him money. So, I don't know. We almost always went and picked out something for him. Maybe this is from when she had her paper route.

She has always had a great sense of humor. When she was just little I used to say that she was going to grow up to be a stand-up comedian.

Though what I showed you from Sarah is funny, it is still sweet.
And I wanted to show you something from Rachel. I have always loved chickens, mainly roosters. I have over a hundred of them...and this is a water color Rachel did for me. I cropped off part of the tail when I scanned it but you can tell what a great one it is. Again, I am not sure of the age...I don't know why I didn't write it down somewhere. I am sure she was either in middle school or high school.

Both girls are very talented. They get it from their dad.