If she is anything like our girls, and I am pretty sure she is going to be, she will love almost all wild things. Speaking of her, they went to Lowe's for something yesterday, and they had a water fountain set up...she looked at her mom and asked her where the rocks were...I did tell you that she loved throwing rocks in the creek in Tennessee, didn't I?
Sarah and I are anxiously waiting for the creeks to go down enough to take her to one here and let her play all she wants to. It would be fun if it was when her Aunt comes home towards the end of the month or first of June...I can't wait to see her and can't wait to see Lorelei's reaction to her. Cause Lorelei still mentions her occasionally. I sure hope someday not too terrible far in the future, her aunt gets to move closer to home.
I wonder if one ever gets totally used to their children living far away...sometimes I am okay with it, but sometimes I get so lonesome for her...we passed the turn off for her apartment one day last week and I thought if only...but would rather her to be where she is and doing what she wants to do than to be back here in her old job....and I never go to Terre Haute that I don't wish Lorelei still lived there. That way if her mom wanted to go back to work, she would have a built in babysitter...