We were out and about yesterday and I thought to take my little camera...the above tree has been begging to have it picture taken for days.
Below is another shot of it...from a different viewpoint.
It is just glorious. Later, I am going to post another photo of it over on Time Stand Still...it won't look like the same tree, but I suppose it is the position of the sun in relation to it.
Here is one that is just starting...still, it is beautiful. These were taken yesterday. I am loving the display of fall colors.
Now for today...not trees.
Eagles. Not good pics either...but exciting nevertheless. This evening, Sarah, Tootie, Roger and I were headed to the front porch to sit in the shade little while. Sarah says, "Is that an eagle?" It was. "Is that another eagle?" I say, I do believe it is.
I so wish we had went out just five minutes earlier...the minute we saw them, they were starting to head out....I suppose to go back over by the river. I ran in to get my camera. Even thought it took less than a minute, they were getting farther and farther away. Still, so thrilled to see them. We have not seen any from our yard in way too long...