It definitely must have been wash day for the Amish...every Amish farm we passed had clothes on the line. I only took a couple pictures but want to go back and take more. We did wind up back at the Turkey Run Antiques, they were open, and I did buy a couple books. But no rocker...which is what I was hoping to find.
Today, I should have stayed home and had clothes on the line today, but instead we went to the woods in the hopes of finding a few early mushrooms. I am sorry to say there was no luck in that department. I didn't even take my camera and I so regretted that. Things are slowly starting to come up, and even a few things were blooming. I saw Dutchman's britches and trout lilies, and a number of things I do not know the name of. I could have stayed busy just trying to get good images of those things.
We came home, and I fixed a bite of dinner...and have since taken some pictures of things for Roger. Now it is time to get back to my current project...and no, it isn't for Lorelei. Hopefully I will get done in the next few days. It is sure a slow process....