Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
The little darlings
Friday, October 26, 2007
Easy Chicken Pot Pie
1 bag Bird's Eye frozen vegetables
1 cup Bird's Eye white pearl onions (we decided we would have liked them better quartered)
4 cups cubed cooked chicken
3 TBS butter
3 cups low fat chicken broth
1/2 cup low fat half-n-half cream
salt and pepper to taste
pinch nutmeg
1 package refrigerated buttermilk biscuit dough
2 TBS parsley, chopped
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place veggies in 2 qt. backing dish.
Spread chicken over veggies. In a small saucepan melt butter over medium heat, add flour, beat til smooth. Whisk in chicken broth, cook until thickened and sauce comes to a boil. Add cream and cook for one more minute. Season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Pour sauce over chicken and veggies. Separate biscuits and place over sauce. Sprinkle parsley over biscuits. Bake 18-20 minutes until biscuits are brown and sauce is bubbling.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
After it broke, I quilted a few more inches and it still seems to do okay, so will try more after I get supper fixed. I am in the mood to get this thing finished. My husband came down and saw what I had done and thought it was really nice. I think I am losing my fear of the quilting, I just need to learn to slow down and not try to go so fast.

I came home, downloaded them, and played with some of them a little bit--switched some of them to black and white, which I love for some things. And the picture of the leaves in my header is from one of my photos, as was the one previous of the cornfield stubble. If you want to see more of the ones I took yesterday check out: http://picasaweb.google.com/rose.swalls/ParkeCountyIndiana for a better view. They are really nice viewed in the slideshow here. You can have them fill your whole page and it is almost like being there. I hope you enjoy them.
Now, I need to go quilt some! I am not getting anything done sitting on here!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I did do the diagonal lines on it Sunday, then yesterday was definitely errand day for me. Cleaned up dog messes out of the back yard, ran by the bank, stopped at the post office and to Walmart and grocery...then home to unload and put away things. Followed by mowing the yard. All before noon.
In the afternoon I gave the dog a bath, cleaned up after that mess and gave myself a shower--LOL Then vacuumed and mopped, fixed supper and washed dishes. Oh, I think I did a couple loads of clothes yesterday, also.
And have not did even half that much today...did do a couple more loads of laundry and fixed supper and washed dishes. While doing laundry I contemplated the quilt but still didn't know how/what I wanted to do. Then after supper and dishes I just went down there and started. I FMQ'ed for about 2 hours....I am going to give this to a friend, but I will tell her it is part of my learning experience. She will love it anyway I think.
I am hoping to go for a drive tomorrow and planning on taking my camera. But, I had that planned for today and got up to rain so it didn't happen. I should learn not to plan too much...things have a way of happening to alter the best laid plans. I am not even sure what direction I want to head...so many places call my name. I am even thinking about throwing my fishing rod in the back just in case I am tempted to throw my line in the water. But with all the rain I doubt if anything would be biting..
Saturday, October 20, 2007
We loaded everything back up, took it home, and went to the mall and walked through the major department stores. It is the first time I have been to the mall in months! (The only kind of shops I like to frequent are fabric/quilt stores.) The mall has been remodeled and some stores have changed spots, as well as there were a couple new stores. Neither of us bought a thing...I was on the lookout for that perfect purse, and she was just looking.
We had lunch and then drove to other DD's house. Rachel had not seen their new puppy that found them--part pit bull boy. The vet thinks about 3 months old. He does not meet a stranger--loves everyone. I think it is highly intelligent. It was a neighbor's and got out and came to them...then it disappeared when they went to work. So when their day off came, they went to this neighbor to see if they had caught it but they didn't know where it was and didn't really want it.
So, it ends up another neighbor had seen it roaming and had caught it thinking it was Sarah and Jeremy's...so they went back to the real owner and ask if they were serious about not wanting it. So that is how it came into their life.
I did pin baste a small couch sized quilt Thursday. It is left over blocks from that last quilt top I did that has an Irish Chain feel to it. I have not quite decided how I want to quilt it so haven't started. I am trying to let the muse hit me before I start. But I may just have to start cause I really want to get it done fairly soon.
The other 'problem' I am having with it is it is mostly off-white tone on tone fabrics. Yet there is the colored squares that form the chain feel to the quilt...I cannot decide if I just want to go ahead and use the same off-white thread on those or do I want to attempt to use a multicolored one on them. If I thought I would not have trouble with getting the tension balanced just right, I would definitely go for the multi-colored on top and the off white on the bottom for those colored parts. But it is very hard to get it balanced just right to not have the pokies coming through one side or the other.
So it is decisions delaying me yet again....
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
I spent the entire afternoon doing this tablecloth/banner thing for my daughter to use when the scouts are selling popcorn. She wanted something to identify her and the cubscouts and this is what she came up with. The background is a navy blue twin sheet, and she chose the yellow fabric for the letters.
She did the letters by choosing a font on the computer and enlarging it to the size she wanted, printed each one off, and I used misty fuse to fuse them to the background then did a close zigzag stitch around each one. I used paper towels for my stabilizer and that worked fine.
Yesterday we went to Indianapolis and picked up our Rav 4. I had been so excited the night before that I did not sleep at all....I did not test drive the vehicle at all. I just sat in it to see how it felt. And to see how I felt about looking out the mirrors. So when we got home we went for a fairly long ride. I really enjoy driving it...it has tight steering and a tight turning radius. We got the V6 so it has some power. We only got front wheel drive...my husband had read on some forums and people had only front wheel drive and lived in Minnesota, Colorado, and Chicago and said they got around fine. Since we really don't plan on going really rough places with it, it should do us fine.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
THIS post sure made me think about my mom. She always wore an apron, but only wore the kind without the bib. I have no idea why she didn't want them. Maybe they were hotter. Till I was about 8 years old, mom cooked on the wood burning cook stove. I remember sitting by the stove in the winter mornings, but I don't remember much else about it. I do know she was glad to have the electric stove to do the canning and jellies on once we got one. But everyone always talked about how much better food tasted cooked on the wood stove.
She also always had to have pockets--even in her dresses she wanted pockets. But it was almost a sin with her if someone made an apron that did not have pockets. (Maybe this is where I get my love of pockets.) One of the things mom used her apron for was to gather things in...if we went to the garden and she decided she wanted a mess of something, she would just gather up the end of her apron in one hand and pick beans or okra and drop into the apron. An excellent way to do in my opinion.
In fact, I carried it on in a sense when I worked at the orchard...if I was out checking varieties of apples, and wanted to take some back to the house for everyone else's opinions, I would gather my t-shirt tail up in my hands and pick into that. Of course I had to watch that cause it would gradually stretch the neck till it was almost down to my bra!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
I spent the afternoon with my daughter and Nick selling popcorn for cub scouts, while my husband went with Nate's boyscout troop to go check out a park and learn a few trees, etc. After the popcorn stand closed, we stopped by the grocery. My daughter picked up a rotisserie chicken, frozen veggies, chicken broth, half and half, and canned biscuits. She made this fabulous chicken pot pie from this. It was a real hit with all of us!
I hope to get back to my small quilt that I am making with leftover blocks from the last top I worked on. I have nine blocks left and have those sewed together to make three rows of three. And I have the sashing and cornerstones made and pinned to go the other way. It would not take long to sew these together but not sure time will permit tomorrow. But we can always hope.
Friday, October 5, 2007
I tried to process my Connecting Thread order; I could not sign in in any shape form or fashion. I first deleted temporary files and the cookies, closed browser window and reopened and tried again. I had to call customer service and finally finished that order.
Next, I tried to get my order together for Hancocks of Paducah. I had to call customer service twice there. I did finally get the job accomplished, but not before wasting my whole morning. Here it is after 1:00 p.m. and I have not accomplished anything else. I had wanted to get those orders placed and go sew, and now I am not much in the mood to do anything.
I do need to go down there though and attempt to do something. I think once I start I will be okay.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

I finally finished this today and it is on its way to Tennessee to my best friend who is also my sister-in-law. It is my first attempt at something small and artsy...I still had to plan everything. I can start a quilt and just wing it, but with this I had to get bits and pieces from different books I have. Anyone can draw a pumpkin, but I traced these instead! I get all tense inside when I actually go to do something. But just sitting down there I can do okay when I am just doodling on paper. Maybe if I do more of it, I will get more free.
I made a big pot of chili for supper. I have eaten entirely too much. I love soups--particularly my own! Though I have yet to taste a chili I didn't like. I never measure anything when making chili or vegetable soup or potato soup. I do kind of go by my recipe for broccoli soup...it tastes like no other I have ever tasted. And once I made it, no other has ever satisfied me. I found the recipe on the web years ago, and altered it a little bit.