Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cox Ford Bridge

This is the Cox Ford Bridge in Parke County, Indiana, built in 1913 by J. A. Britton.
We try to always carry our rods with us...Roger threw his line in but did not have any hits.
This is looking up Sugar Creek...a beautiful place to be.

We used to come here and wade and there are signs that no swimming or wading is allowed, and inform that violators will be prosecuted.
I am getting ready to hang out clothes! Supposed to be close to 50º F. today...I had to wash my tennis shoes since I had walked along the sandbar and my feet sank above the top of my shoes. So I always wash them with towels...figured it would be a good day to hang the out.

The cats are wanting us to come outside and play and I am not joking. They won't go out alone, but when I went out to wipe down the clothesline, all three came out to see what was happening.


  1. eek on the clothes line, don't own one don't want to.... did my clotheline time back when my kids were little and i had no dryer. the photos are GORGEOUS

  2. What an elegant bridge. I like Roger in the shot fishing too. The last one is nicely framed. Too bad that use of the creek is more restrictive than it used to be. Nice series.

  3. THAT. BRIDGE. IS. GORGEOUS. I wish there was more covered bridges here, but from what I understand, there's only 4 standing & only one within driving distance to me... the others are just too far away. I wonder how high the water has gotten under that bridge... Gorgeous views, Rose! =)

  4. What a lovely bridge, Rose. So peaceful looking. I bet it is especially pretty in the spring and autumn.

    Your cats sound a lot like mine. They keep us laughing, don't they?

  5. Wonderful! I love covered bridges. I wonder what it was like to drive through them all the time in times past? This is a nice one. Bet the fishing was a little cold, although it is pretty warm down here.

  6. Very peaceful looking photo.
    Fabulous bridge.

  7. With Roger standing under the bridge it shows just what a huge bridge it is.
    Sugar Creek what a great name - love it!!!

  8. Love the bridge! Love my clothes

  9. I love the bridge. Why not wade or swimming? That's to bad! I love hanging my clothes on the line. Best way to dry clothes and cheap too!

  10. We've been to that bridge a couple of times. =) You sure caught some nice light on it in that first image.

    Haven't the last couple of days been wonderful? Just makes me wonder what's in store come "March Madness" time - or even Super Bowl weekend, for that matter! Guess we'd better take advantage of the nice weather while we can.

  11. So sad that there are so many signs saying no "this" and no "that." They often make me feel cross. Your cats act a lot like dogs following you. :))

  12. It was a nice day here yesterday and today. I wonder how long the unseasonably warm weather will remain? Nice picture of the covered bridge.

  13. That bridge is a very pretty sight! I like the vertical strips of red that are still left.

  14. Just LOVE this wonderful bridge! Sorry your hubby didn't catch any fish.


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