Sunday, October 13, 2024

Are you ready for snow...

 I am not, but I always love working snow scene puzzles.  

That being said, I think this is the first summer ever when I have looked at snow photos and wished I could step into the for just a while.  I don't know what the official record is, but I feel like this has been the coolest summer I have ever observed in Indiana.  I am not complaining, though I guess I am some...there were a lot of days it was not comfortable to read outside.


I had no new info from Sandra today...I did notice their weather is warming back up.  I pray they get their power back on sooner than expected.


I got the binding made and sewn to my quilt...not just have to flip it to the back and sew by hand.  Not sure how long it will take...I need to make the plunge and try and buy one of the lamps to work by at night  


  1. I have been thinking about Sandra every day and hoping we will hear soon. She gets her electricity back on the 17(?)th thereabouts right?Hope she, Bob and Beau are okay. I love your jigsaw puzzle. I actually love snow but saying this from a retiree’s point of view and not one who has to deal with traveling in it. I remember those days well. You are making headway on your quilt. With all that sewing by hand it’s going to be another family treasure. Have a great week Rose :)

  2. Your weather surprises me because of global warming! But now that I think of it, we didn't have a super hot summer, either!


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