Sunday, December 1, 2024

Longing for warmer days...

I was looking through my old photos while I was killing time till time to give evening meds and found myself wanting to step back in time for more reasons than one.  

But one was to visit summer again.  Warmer days.  Not having to grab a jacket to go outside.  I miss being able to wear only flip flops.  Copper likes for me to stay out with him but I just do not enjoy it now.  

Winter does make one very thankful they have a warm home to be in.  And family to share it with.  


  1. That is a very nice photograph.
    Here's to warmer and lighter days coming ...

    All the best Jan

  2. I feel the same way. I long for warm days and flowers blooming again!

  3. I'm sorry this is not a good season for you. I don't like the bitter cold either. And the wind even less. The flowers are gorgeous! Hibiscus or Hollyhocks?


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