When I was a teen-ager...maybe even before that, we would take an empty plastic milk container--the gallon size--and cut out holes in the sides about twice the size of a playing card, but leaving 'corner posts.' We left the bottom about two inches deep. We would use a rag strip or piece of baling twine, or whatever was handy to tie the milk just to some of mom's lattice at the end of the front porch and then would fill the bottom with a mixture of cornbread crumbled up and maybe some corn. I really can't remember using anything else. But the birds would just flock to it.
I can't remember what we used--I think it was a piece of tin on a board and nail it to the top of a fence post out in the back yard. We would put the same stuff on it as in the milk jug...I can remember counting as high as 9 male cardinals at the same time. Carletta had a post the other day that reminded me of that. Here I am lucky to see the male and female at the same time...I think in all the years I have lived here, I have seen a couple male cardinals at the same time a very few times.
I think they like more cover than is available here...if it is not that I don't know what the reason is.
I love your cardinal. They are always so brilliant in the winter.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first week to do Ruby Tuesday, also.
My RT image is posted here.
Since I live in NC, cardinals have always been my favorite wild bird. I love the shot, and welcome to Ruby Tuesday!
ReplyDeleteThat's a good shot Rose! They are really beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWhat a majestic cardinal,,,, Nice post here is mine http://aussietalks.com/2009/02/ruby-keychain.html
ReplyDeleteHe's beautiful and a perfect Ruby Tuesday! I often have a dozen Cardinals at one time. We have a large tangle of Forsythia bushes along the creek and they love to sit in those and probably nest in there.
ReplyDeleteRose, you got a great picture of the cardinal and you had some wonderful memories as well.
ReplyDeletebeautiful shot.
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful bird shot with such nice color. We don't have cardinals where I live...so this is a distinct treat!
ReplyDeleteGreat picture of the male Cardinal, Rose. We don't have quite as many cardinals this winter as we had in summer/fall. BUT--there's usually about 3-4 who come to the feeders off and on all day.
I'm glad I helped bring back a memory for you Rose and I wondered why you hadn't joined Ruby Tuesday. You always have those wonderful red barns to show.
ReplyDeleteNice shot of the cardinal. I was just taking some at my feeder while the sun is out for more than an instant.
I've been thinking what I had to use for seed for the doves and I think I'll use the bottom of a milk jug - perfect to sit on the ground!
What a gem! A~
ReplyDeleteI think you're right about the cover. they must know they are gorgeously visible! I never got many at my old feeder location, but this winter I hung the feeder in the lilac bush, and the cards come regularly. Great RubyT post!
ReplyDeleteCardinals seem to be a very popular object for RT posts, and no wodner, they're adorable! Lovely pic.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see a cardinal... it reminds me of my grand-parents -- my grandmother loves the birds & grandpa loved the Cardinals baseball team!!!
ReplyDeleteI NEVER see more than one male cardinal at a time in my yard, Rose. In the spring, I sometimes see our resident male and female together. I have yet to catch them with my camera, though. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAh .. those were the days. The bird is beautiful. Lovely color.
ReplyDeletehe's so beautiful
ReplyDeletelooks like he's wearing a mask
That's a splendid picture of the cardinal. I think I might try the bread crumbs and see if I can attract some back here. There used to be a couple but they don't come much now.
ReplyDeleteDon't cardinals make great Ruby Tuesday shots, Rose? I love this shot! When I started feeding birds so may cardinals, male and female came to my feeder right here in Queens NY! It was amazing! Thanks for playing Ruby Tuesday! Glad to have you aboard! :)