Saturday, June 29, 2024

Another finish

 I finished this last week, I think.  You might think I spend way too much time on puzzles.  You would probably be correct.  I need to get something situated to do by hand in the odd moments that I am waiting.  I feel like I spend a lot time waiting on things...waiting for oven to heat up or on the timer in cooking, waiting a few minutes on the dryer to be done, waiting to put laundry from washer to dryer, etc.

I used to always have some hand sewing to do in spare moments.  And for moments I managed to fine.  And I still like hand sewing...I just don't seem to do anything about it.

We just had a storm roll got almost dark for a few minutes, and now the sun is out...for the first time today.  I need to walk out and get the mail before another storm rolls in...unless maybe it really is done.  

Copper's favorite place for a true storm is in our closet...and he spent the worst of it in there.  He is a character...he has eyes for no one else when his mom is home...unless he wants something when we are eating.  He knows I am the one more apt to share with him.


  1. That is a very nice puzzle.
    One of our sons enjoys puzzles.
    I think they are good because you can dip in and out of them and it's always satisfying when one is successfully completed.

    All the best Jan

  2. Neat puzzle. Reminds me of down by the covered bridge festival area.
    We had a storm go through too - sure need the rain.

  3. We've had a couple of storms roll through too!
    Nice puzzle. We just ordered a few on line for winter time.
    I do the puzzles the same way you do. BUT sometimes I get caught up in it and hours slip by!

  4. What a nice scene on that puzzle.
    We had rain almost all day long. Gibbs is never bothered by storms.

  5. Pretty puzzle! We spend most of our waiting time in doctor's offices. Waited about an hour yesterday!

  6. I can totally relate to all the waiting but if I had a puzzle going the wash would mildew in the washer and the clothes in the dryer would be one big wrinkle hehehe I wouldn't be able to leave the puzzle. Poor Copper, I hope he survives the fire works on Wednesday.

  7. I do have a pile of puzzles that need to be put together. This one is a pretty scene.

  8. I understand the attraction of a puzzle. I’ve stopped for a while and have a good book replacing a puzzle now. I do one or the other.

  9. That looks like quite a challenging puzzle with all the blue water and blue sky. Poor Copper. It's hard for the poor dogs that are afraid of storms.....and as a previous comment said...fireworks. Those will probably scare him too.

  10. Nothing wrong with doing puzzles (it is even meant to help combat dementia!!). Hope you don't have too many Copper-frightening storms, poor old thing.

  11. puzzles are great for waiting moments, I wish I liked to do them. they are frustrating for me, I can't seem to match them up. I sit at the kitchen table and mess about on the iPad while waiting on timers. even with a timer I have to stay in kitchen if cooking. I am not a patient waiter for anything, that's why I have early am appts.. makes me crazy waiting for it to get time to go

  12. We had a storm last night too, our power blinked off a few times.
    I enjoy working on puzzles, I have now I am slowly working.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  13. Nice puzzle... well made.
    It's always good to get something done, isn't it!
    As of today we have rainy weather and it is cool for summer, but I don't want to complain, so far it has been wonderful throughout... the next 5 days are temperatures around 17 degrees Celsius and rain, which crafts, sewing, knitting, baking, Cooking, at least actively in the house. Yep.
    Many greetings to you. I wish you a happy July. Viola


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